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DeepL Blog

At DeepL, we power global communication through cutting-edge artificial intelligence solutions, including our core product, the DeepL Translator. Here on the DeepL Blog, we'll keep you updated on the latest developments in AI, our product offerings, and how we enable seamless communication—wherever people do business.

Further information about DeepL and our history can be found on our press page.

DeepL Translator now supports Traditional Chinese

What you need to know about DeepL’s latest language release:

  • DeepL is excited to announce the addition of Traditional Chinese to its supported languages on the web and in our apps

  • This new language option helps businesses overcome language barriers and unlock a world of opportunities

  • Try the Translator for Traditional Chinese today and experience accurate, nuanced translation

Traditional Chinese now supported

We're excited to announce the launch of Traditional Chinese on the web translator and in our apps (with further platform releases to come). Supporting Traditional Chinese helps businesses connect with a broader audience, enhancing customer service and building stronger relationships in strategic markets. 

For businesses aiming to expand into new markets, DeepL’s advanced neural machine translation technology ensures precision, fluency, and context sensitivity. This addition is part of our commitment to breaking down language barriers and facilitating smooth communication in diverse settings. 

What sets DeepL apart

Illustration showing graphs and blocks with blue background

DeepL's Language AI technology is trained on high-quality data to capture the nuances of human language. With DeepL Translator's state-of-the-art technology, businesses can ensure that their translations are contextually faithful and communicate confidently with their audiences in Traditional Chinese. 

Cross-border teams benefit from DeepL Translator’s features enabling customization and workflow optimization, making it easier and more efficient to translate and communicate globally. Robust security ensures that your data is always safe with DeepL.

Try Traditional Chinese with DeepL Translator today

Join the growing number of professionals and organizations that trust DeepL for precise and efficient language translation. Experience the DeepL difference, and try it out today!

LegalOn Technologies and DeepL: the power of law and AI technology

What you need to know about LegalOn Technologies, Inc.:

  • LegalOn Technologies Inc., based in Tokyo, Japan, is a global leader in legal AI technology

  • The company offers two main products in Japan: AI contract review platform LegalForce and AI contract management system LegalForce Cabinet

  • DeepL API has enabled LegalOn Technologies to provide customers with fast, high-quality translations—enhancing the overall user experience

“Through the power of law and technology, we create a society where people can move forward with peace of mind.”
With this motto, it’s no wonder that LegalOn Technologies Inc. is dedicated to providing its customers with cutting-edge legal AI. 

Recently, we sat down with Shorei O, the Director of the Engineering Management Group, and Taizo Yamada, the General Manager of the Product Management Group, to learn more about LegalOn’s technology and growth plans—as well as how they use DeepL’s AI translation to provide value to their customer base.

Photo showing Shorei O from LegalOn

Could you introduce yourselves, including your current roles and previous experience?

O: I’m an engineering manager at LegalOn Technologies Inc.
As for my background, I started my career as an engineer and worked for a major IT company developing billing systems, utilizing and analyzing data, and internalizing business management systems. In my previous position, I worked as CTO for two and a half years at a venture company developing IoT devices.

Since joining LegalOn Technologies in 2022, I’ve been responsible for the development of LegalForce, a legal tech software for the Japanese market. Alongside its translation function, I’ve also been working on other functions, such as the contract revision assistant that incorporates ChatGPT's API. Additionally, I’m involved in the development of LegalOn Review, an AI contract review software program for the US market, which is based on the LeglaForce software used exclusively in Japan.

Yamada: As a product manager for LegalForce, I’m in charge of features such as our newly released translation feature and a review feature that utilizes knowledge accumulated by the user’s company in the past. 

After working in corporate loan sales and screening at a financial institution, I worked as a product manager at a fintech company.
I joined LegalOn Technologies about a year ago.

Could you tell us about what your company does?

O: LegalOn Technologies, as the name suggests, is an IT systems company in the legal domain. It offers two SaaS products for the Japanese market: LegalForce and LegalForce Cabinet.

LegalForce is an AI contract review platform available in Japan based on an “automated review” function that uses AI to check contracts at the draft stage. It helps determine what risks are involved and whether they are acceptable.

LegalForce Cabinet is a Japanese market-specific service that allows users to manage their contracts by uploading the executed contract and extracting important information—such as the parties, signing date, due date, and whether it’s automatically renewed or not. The product manages contracts automatically, making it easier for companies to handle high volumes of contracts.

As mentioned earlier, our company's mission statement is: “Through the power of law and technology, we will create a society where people can move forward with peace of mind.”

Here, the term “law” isn’t limited to simple laws and regulations, but also includes the natural laws of the world and compliance within a company. We intend to continue to use IT to approach these issues. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, we’ve also started to expand globally—mainly in the US—and are aiming to become a global legal tech company.

Photo showing Shorei O and Taizo Yamada

What kind of customers use LegalForce and LegalForce Cabinet in Japan?

O: Many companies, from large corporations to small and medium-sized enterprises, use LegalForce in Japan, but it’s most often used by the legal department. However, a more diverse range of departments use LegalForce Cabinet. 

Contracts are not necessarily managed only by legal departments, but also by general administration departments. There’s also a need on the business side to refer to contracts. Thus, we intend to develop our products so that they can be used even more widely in the future.

You mentioned global market expansion. How are you approaching the development of your products in the US, where market conditions are different from those in Japan?

O: We’re developing a US version of LegalForce based on the Japanese version of the product.
We believe that the operations of legal departments themselves are essentially the same, whether in Japan or in the US.

However, the legal content required for AI to check contracts needs to be newly produced.
For example, the types of contracts that are often subject to review differ between Japan and the US. We call them “contract document types,” and some of them are only in demand in Japan—while others are only in demand in the US. Also, laws and regulations differ, so the content needs to be considerably fine-tuned. While there is certainly a need for features unique to the US, our view is that the system itself does not need to be changed too much.

Photo showing Taizo Yamada

You’ve now released a translation function to the Japanese market that enables contract review while viewing a Japanese translation of an English contract, correct?

Yamada: LegalForce has a function whereby the AI identifies risks and indicates the points where the contract needs to be reviewed. Now that the translation function has been released, it’s possible to simultaneously compare these points as well as the English and Japanese versions when reviewing contracts in English.

O: Originally, LegalForce had an optional feature called the “English review option.” If you sign up for that option, you can also review contracts in English. Some of our customers wanted to understand the content of English contracts at a glance. We thought that adding a feature for translation would provide value to our customers, which led us to introduce the translation function.

Could you tell us about your decision to choose DeepL as the engine for your AI translation?

Yamada: We’d been using the web version of DeepL in our company and, thus, were aware of DeepL. I personally use DeepL in various situations, including daily communication.

When introducing the translation function to LegalForce, we compared several translation engines. The decision to choose DeepL was based on its particularly fast translation speed and high accuracy.
Additionally, we chose DeepL because of the large number of languages supported as well as advanced initiatives such as DeepL Write—which we believe can be linked to LegalForce when we expand its functions in the future.

How have customers reacted to the translation function since it was released?

Yamada: Customer response has been very positive. When we announced the beta version of the translation function to users who had subscribed to the English review option, we immediately received responses from more than 100 companies.
Our Sales team has also told us that customer feedback has been positive.

For customers that speak English well, the English review option that we had previously offered was acceptable. Many customers who were not as comfortable with English, on the other hand, were using a translation service alongside LegalForce in Japan.

With this approach, they switch screens to view the Japanese translation on the translation service while viewing the points in the contract on LegalForce. Or, they upload the contract to the translation service again, and then copy and paste it. 

Clearly, there was a need for a translation function within LegalForce. There were also people who were concerned about information leakage with a free translation service, and we were able to solve this problem by working with DeepL.

O: Many customers in the legal departments of companies were already using some kind of translation service. Nonetheless, quite a few Japanese customers still find it valuable to be able to complete translations within LegalForce, which they use on a daily basis.

We’ve been able to include the translation function within the product, which was a very meaningful development. I think it was also very valuable that we were able to clear up concerns about the integrity and confidentiality of the information by using DeepL API.

Photo showing Shorei O and Taizo Yamada in front of LegalOn Technologies sign

You’ve been using DeepL API for product integration, but what were your impressions as you worked on the integration?

Yamada: The good thing is that DeepL API is easily accessible from the Github repository. So, we could start the verification process at a stage when we were still considering which translation engine to use. We were able to look at the documentation at an early stage and touch on the API at the same time, which led to a quick release.

O: If we want to add value to our customers with speed, we believe it will become increasingly important to work with third parties.

This time, we were able to incorporate DeepL's product and provide value to our customers in a period of only three months. Of course, it’s important to improve the features we developed in-house, but we feel strongly that we need to develop our products while also building win-win relationships with companies that provide excellent technology and services in a flexible way.

What would you like to work on in the future?

O: In addition to this translation function, LegalOn Technologies will continue to actively incorporate new technologies such as generative AI into its products. We believe that in order to expand our business globally, it’s essential to stay up to date with the latest technologies and seek new ways to provide value to our customers. 

We want to make our product and company attractive to engineers who are interested in these advanced technologies and in global business.

Want to talk to our experts about implementing and utilizing AI translation in your company? Our Sales team would be happy to have a chat.

Interview date: July 6, 2023

Practical strategies for enterprise AI adoption

Whether you're using artificial intelligence (AI) to generate meeting notes, draft emails, or screen candidates—there’s no denying that it’s become a transformative force in the global business world. From manufacturing to retail, companies are using AI to streamline operations, improve customer experiences, and reach new markets.

In fact, a recent survey found that 90% of enterprise decision-makers said their companies are already using AI in some capacity—while 47% said they see AI as a leading driver of productivity. 

Yet, the risks of AI adoption are real. PwC’s Annual Global CEO survey 2024 found that 77% of CEOs are concerned about AI security, and for good reason. The rise of “AI smugglers”, aka employees who bring their personal AI tools into the workplace, is creating new security and operational challenges. 

However, the arrival of Generative AI (GenAI) has reinvigorated the AI landscape, ushering in a new era of possibilities and fundamentally changing the way people engage with technology. Not only is GenAI more accessible—it can be used to amplify the impact and value of other technologies.

In DeepL’s recent webinar on enterprise AI adoption, we had the privilege of speaking with guest industry experts J.P. Gownder, VP and Principal Analyst at Forrester, and Klaus Schmidt, Partner and Alliances Leader at PwC. Both shared insights on the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in AI implementation. 

In this blog post, we’ll summarize the webinar’s key takeaways and explore how your enterprise can:

  • Build a strong business case for AI adoption

  • Mitigate AI risks

  • Invest in AI skills and preparation

To get the full experience and learn directly from AI industry experts J.P. and Klaus, check out our on-demand webinar.

In 2024, GenAI is no longer a niche use case; it can generate realistic text, images, and code. And enterprises have noticed. Fueled by a rapid increase in AI spending, enterprises are investing in GenAI to transform operations, scale, and stay competitive.

According to Forrester’s Q2 2024 AI Pulse Survey, 33% of AI leaders believe that more than half of their company’s non-technical workforce will be using GenAI by the end of this year.  Such a fast adoption rate points to a certain level of optimism from leaders.

Moreover, Forrester has also forecast that GenAI software spending will reach a staggering $124 billion by 2030, for both generalized and specialized adoption. Clearly, GenAI is here to stay.

Driving productivity with AI

Image of four people having a discussion at work

One of GenAI’s most significant impacts? Productivity. According to Forrester's AI Pulse Survey 2023:

  • 34% think AI will increase automation of internal processes

  • 33% believe AI will improve operational efficiency and effectiveness

  • 32% think AI will increase employee productivity

By leveraging AI, businesses can streamline workflows, reduce manual labor, and optimize resource allocation—all resulting in productivity gains.

The impact of AI on productivity is not limited to specific departments or functions, but has the potential to affect a wide range of roles. For example, AI-powered tools can help customer service teams handle routine inquiries, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex tasks that require empathy and critical thinking. 

Overall, GenAI allows enterprises to do what matters most: stay ahead of the competition.

Building a business case for enterprise AI

For successful enterprise AI adoption, you need to build a strong internal business case—one that makes a clear cost-benefit analysis. 

It’s important to use a comprehensive framework that includes factors such as:

  • Employee salaries

  • Cost of acquiring and maintaining AI solutions

  • Time savings that AI can provide 

By considering these factors, in addition to other related costs such as tool management and training, you can get a clearer picture of the financial impact of AI adoption.

Yet, not all benefits of AI are so easily measured. For example, the potential for improved collaboration, heightened creativity, and error reduction are equally significant but more challenging to quantify.

Looking to pitch AI solutions at work? To explore J.P. Gownder's simple, effective AI business case calculation—with quantifiable metrics and advice on how to measure qualitative data—watch the full webinar.

Risks and opportunities of AI adoption

Image of a person typing at a laptop

AI offers immense potential, but it also comes with inherent risks that require careful consideration. Successful AI adoption requires alignment across data, technology, business processes, and people. 

According to Forrester’s research, there are many barriers to GenAI adoption:

  • 30% cite a lack of technical skills

  • 28% cite difficulty integrating with existing infrastructure

  • 28% cite data privacy and security concerns

In the words of Forrester’s J.P. Gownder, we should also be wary of “AI smugglers”:

 “[. . .] on the bring-your-own AI front, the best thing you can do is to equip people with formal sanctioned tools that allow them to not go to use their own tools. You need to give people options to take advantage of these opportunities.”

Additionally, another Forrester study highlights the risks surrounding governance, with 56% of respondents citing the potential for misuse of GenAI outputs—which can lead to errors or violations of data protection laws. Thus, proofreading and editing GenAI output is critical to mitigate these risks and provide accurate, reliable results.

Despite these challenges, GenAI offers many opportunities for businesses to achieve operational excellence and growth. When used properly, GenAI can elevate, empower, and engage both employees and customers—leading to increased job satisfaction, superior customer experiences, and ultimately, better business results.

Skills and preparation

AI is developing so fast that many businesses can struggle to keep up. To close this gap and achieve value faster, employee training, communication, and change management are critical.

With AI today, we’re moving from deterministic computing, where there was a 1:1 correspondence between command and output, to probabilistic AI, where we don’t always know what to expect from output. Here, upskilling employees is critical as GenAI systems become more central to decision-making.

To J.P. Gownder's estimation, for many companies, “leaders may believe that their employees are more ready than they are, or less ready that they are.” Either way, it’s a leader’s job to assess their employees’ knowledge levels.

To help organizations understand their readiness for AI, Forrester introduced the concept of the Artificial Intelligence Quotient (AIQ). The AIQ measures employees’ ability to use AI effectively and includes four key components, which are explored in full in our Enterprise AI playbook webinar.

What it all means for your enterprise

To succeed, enterprises need to consider the potential of human-AI collaboration, which—when done right—can lead to exceptional results.

Here, the employee experience (EX) is central to successful enterprise AI adoption. Engaged and satisfied employees are more productive, loyal, and more likely to embrace new technologies. By prioritizing high EX in AI deployments and involving employees in the creation of new AI-driven workflows, businesses can amplify the benefits of AI and foster a culture of innovation.

According to Forrester’s J.P. Gownder, AI isn’t about replacing humans, but rather enhancing human capabilities to drive productivity. To prepare for the future of work, businesses should invest in skill-building initiatives, change management programs, and continuous employee development.

Watch the full webinar: building an AI adoption strategy

Image of three people having a conversation in an office

Dive into even more insights with DeepL’s Q&A session between Gownder, Schmidt, and DeepL’s CMO, Steve Rotter. Together, they discuss key considerations for successful GenAI implementation and the challenges of managing an ever-growing number of workplace tools and data sources.

The trio covers questions such as:

  • What are the top three best practices enterprises should adopt when working with AI?

  • How do you measure a company’s AI readiness?

  • How do you deal with the increasing amount of tools in the workplace?

AI is no longer a nice-to-have—it’s a must-have. And regarding AI adoption, Klaus Schmidt shares: 

“If you think you have everything under control you’re probably not going fast enough.” 

Enterprises must adapt and innovate with speed—recognizing that AI is not just a tool, but a powerful driver of growth and transformation. By embracing AI technologies, businesses can unlock new opportunities and chart a path to future success.

Watch the full webinar now to hear from J.P. (Forrester) and Klaus (PwC) directly. Discover what their own research and day-to-day interactions with customers have taught them—and use their insights to help your organization jump-start its own AI implementation strategy.

DeepL's next-gen LLM outperforms ChatGPT-4, Google, and Microsoft for translation quality

What you need to know about our latest language model:

  • Our next-generation (“next-gen”) language model outperforms Google Translate, ChatGPT-4, and Microsoft for translation quality

  • The new LLM's translations require fewer edits, with Google needing 2x and ChatGPT-4 needing 3x more edits to achieve the same quality

  • Built using our own groundbreaking, specialized LLM technology and proprietary training data, designed specifically for translation

  • The same enterprise-level security you’re used to for Pro customers

As part of our mission to provide the highest quality translations to businesses around the world, we’re excited to introduce our next-generation language model to DeepL Translator. 

Powered by Language AI, alongside bespoke translation and writing technology, our new language model takes translation excellence to the next level—requiring fewer edits and improving knowledge worker productivity. This helps your enterprise save more time and money translating by further streamlining global communication.

Read on to learn more about our latest language model—then be sure to enable the new model (starting with Japanese, German, and Simplified Chinese to and from English) via our in-product selector, and give it a try for yourself.

What can you expect from our next-gen model?

Images of two people using large language models and natural language processing for translation

There’s lots to be excited about with our next-gen model. Let’s cover the most important topics.

Groundbreaking technology that outperforms competitors 

DeepL’s models are trained on the highest-quality linguistic data, with an unwavering focus on excellence. Combining world-class AI with the expertise of thousands of hand-picked language specialists who “tutor” the model, DeepL consistently provides best-in-class translation.

In fact, recent blind tests show that language experts routinely prefer DeepL's translations. According to the data, DeepL’s translation is preferred:

  • 1.3x more often than Google Translate

  • 1.7x more often than ChatGPT-4

  • 2.3x more often than Microsoft

But that’s not all. Thanks to specialized LLMs, which are uniquely tuned for language, DeepL’s more human-like translations also have a reduced risk of hallucinations and misinformation. This is especially important for enterprises looking to scale operations with a trusted AI solution.

Furthermore, unlike general purpose models that train with data pulled from the public internet, DeepL’s model leverages over seven years of proprietary data specifically tuned for translation and content creation.

Highest-quality translations on the market

Starting with Japanese, German, and Simplified Chinese to and from English, with many more languages to come, this step forward continues to improve on the top-notch translations that DeepL’s web translator provides. With the innovations of the next-gen model, DeepL Translator provides the highest quality translations on the market.

The quality of our next-gen models was confirmed via our previously mentioned blind tests, which were conducted with leading language experts. In these tests, the quality of the LLM-powered translations compared to the “classic” model was determined—with the new model coming out on top for each test.

  • Japanese ←→ English: the quality of the next-gen model is 1.7x better than the classic model

  • Simplified Chinese ←→ English: the quality of the next-gen model is 1.7x better than the classic model

  • German ←→ English: the quality of the next-gen model is 1.4x better than the classic model

This improved translation quality will not only save your company time, but also allow your teams to streamline communications across global markets.

Improve productivity to save more time and money

Our next-generation model will help your enterprise get even more value from DeepL. In fact, blind tests also found that DeepL’s translations require fewer edits than competitors, with Google Translate needing 2x more edits and ChatGPT-4 needing 3x more edits to achieve the same quality. 

Thus, our new LLMs improve knowledge worker productivity by decreasing the time spent on translation and copy editing, allowing your teams to focus on the jobs that matter the most.

In fact, in the 2024 study conducted by Forrester Consulting, “The Total Economic Impact™ of DeepL”, it was discovered that DeepL reduced translation time by 90% and cut translation workloads by 50%—resulting in a 345% ROI.* 

The same security and privacy you’re used to

Just like before, our next-gen model is built with security at its core thanks to:

  • Our proprietary data centers

  • The highest level of certification and compliance standards:

    • ISO 27001 certification

    • GDPR compliance

    • SOC 2 type 2 report

  • A commitment to never using Pro customer data to train our models

Take your enterprise communication to the next level with higher-quality translations

Illustration of a globe showing human language and large language models with floating characters

Our next-gen model represents another major step forward in providing your enterprise with increasingly powerful features. With this significant increase in translation quality—which improves upon our “classic” model and outperforms competitors—we’re raising the bar for AI translation tools everywhere.

How can your company start making use of our next-gen model? It’s easy: Pro users can switch between the next-gen LLM and “classic” model with the click of a button.

Try out the next-gen model with your Pro plan, or consider upgrading to Pro.

*DeepL’s Forrester study was conducted in 2024 using a composite organization, which tested the “classic” model.

Meet DeepL: exploring DeepL’s onboarding journey

Starting a new job is a big deal—it’s exciting but can also be a bit nerve-wracking. At DeepL, we totally get it. That’s why we’ve crafted an onboarding experience that’s all about making you feel welcome from day one. We sat down with Isabell Reinholz to give you an inside look at what makes our onboarding process special. From the warm welcomes to the in-depth introductions, everything is designed to help you hit the ground running and feel like part of DeepL right away.

Could you please introduce yourself and your role at DeepL?

Hello there! I'm Isabell—I’m based in Cologne and a true people person at heart. I joined DeepL 3.5 years ago as a recruiter, coming straight from university where I studied Human Resources and Organizational Behavior. Since then, I’ve evolved into a project management role where I have designed our new onsite onboarding program together with my amazing project team. I’m currently transitioning to a new team again, aiming to become DeepL's Culture Program Specialist.

Among other things, I’ll continue to work on our onboarding program, since it's an essential part of bringing our culture to life and letting new joiners experience the DeepL feeling. 

Image of DeepL's team in the office

Can you walk us through the typical onboarding journey for new team members at DeepL?

Yes, happy to! Our DeepL onboarding journey starts on their very first day with a welcome meeting hosted by our onboarding team. During this meeting, we share information about the upcoming days and weeks, making sure that everyone knows what's going to happen and what's expected of them—besides the feeling of a good, warm start and welcome

Once the new hires have set up their hardware with the help of our IT support, they spend the rest of the day with their team having welcome meetings, coffee chats, and attending team discussions. 

After that, it's time to get ready for the excitement that awaits them at our headquarters: all of our newbies from across the globe are invited to join us in Cologne to dive into the DeepL world for three full days, with each day bringing a different focus. 

  • Day 1: this day is all about us as a company—our journey, culture, and products. Each month, Jarek, our CEO, takes the time to welcome the newbies, introduce our mission and vision, and give everyone a chance to ask questions. After an intense day that ends with a product training session, we invite the newbies and all colleagues to a happy hour. Here, they can connect, listen to fun DeepL stories, and experience the vibe. 

  • Day 2: we continue with high-level sessions led by members of our leadership team to ensure a well-rounded picture and understanding of how we work together, how our product is created, and how it’s monetized. The sessions are very valuable but require focus. That’s why we then spend the afternoon/evening of day 2 blowing off some steam with a fun team activity before dinner in the vibrant city center of Cologne. 

  • Day 3: on the final day of our onboarding journey, we dive a bit deeper into the different departments and their individual responsibilities, following the product life cycle. Day 3 is more granular than days 1 and 2, but it’s important to us to create understanding about what each department does and how they all contribute to DeepL’s success. With this approach, we aim to reduce barriers between departments and avoid silos.  

As the third day of training draws to a close, we release the new hires to their teams to follow the individual onboarding path prepared for them. After three days, new hires typically exhibit high levels of enthusiasm and motivation due to the positive atmosphere and encouragement from their colleagues.

Often, they’re eager to start their new roles and contribute to their teams. In some cases, new hires even opt to remain on-site in Cologne for an extended period of time to engage in comprehensive onboarding activities with their colleagues and managers. If they’re situated near one of our office locations (Berlin, Amsterdam, London, Tokyo, Austin), they’re introduced to our different offices by the teams on-site.

Can you explain DeepL’s onboarding process, including the key steps and the actions involved to ensure a smooth experience?

For us, the onboarding process begins well in advance of an employee's first day. This is the pre-boarding phase. During this phase, we ensure that new hires have access to all relevant information and resources to facilitate a smooth transition and maximize their excitement to join our team. This requires significant effort and coordination between numerous teams, such as Office Management, IT Support, and People Operations. We maintain close communication with new hires to ensure they have the support they need to navigate the challenges of a new job. 

In addition to the organizational tasks, such as ensuring the delivery of the appropriate hardware to the appropriate individual and its configuration, we also provide a substantial amount of content and training materials that address typical new hire questions. In addition to knowledge sharing, our onboarding program emphasizes the formation of connections between new hires and existing team members. The objective is to reduce barriers to asking for help, thereby ensuring a smooth onboarding experience. 

Illustration showing "welcome" in multiple languages

What unique aspects of DeepL's onboarding process set it apart from other companies, and how do these contribute to a supportive start?

When we created the new onboarding experience, it was important to us to build a journey that would provide in-depth knowledge about the product, help them understand how we work as an organization, and at the same time introduce them to our culture. 

From the feedback we've received so far, we're doing a very good job of achieving that goal and striking a good balance between all of those aspects. I believe the one thing that makes our onboarding experience truly unique is the commitment from our Leadership Team towards the program and, therefore, the new hires' experience. 

For instance, our Leadership Team dedicates time to share knowledge and answer questions. They travel to Cologne specifically for our onboarding, demonstrating their investment in the new hires' development, success, and feeling of welcome at DeepL. This again represents the best example of DeepL culture and the dedication to our continued growth and success. 

How do you ensure that new hires feel welcomed and supported during their initial days at DeepL, both practically and emotionally? 

The one thing almost everyone says after joining is how amazingly friendly everyone is. Because of the nature of our people (or Deeople, as we kindly call them internally), joining the company is already a very warm and welcoming experience.

This is also why we decided to have onboarding take place at our headquarters: we have the highest density of Deeople and the largest onsite support system. Our office and assistant teams are always there in the background, supporting the very practical aspects of the program, making sure everyone is happy and the process runs smoothly. 

Image of DeepL's onboarding

Can you share any success stories or memorable experiences from recent onboarding processes that highlight the effectiveness of DeepL's approach?

The onboarding process has been a success story so far. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, not just from the new hires. The presenters and Leadership Team have shared many positive comments with us because they enjoy working with the new hires on-site and seeing the enthusiasm of the group. 

And for me, the most significant achievement is the new hires' eagerness to start their roles and contribute to DeepL's success. When we say goodbye, they are tired, but filled with energy and joy at the same time. 

In your opinion, how does a comprehensive onboarding experience contribute to employee retention and overall company culture at DeepL?

Often, new employees feel a bit lost or lack essential information when they first start their jobs. This can lead to feelings of isolation and confusion, which can ultimately lead to high turnover rates. Our onboarding program is designed to provide new hires with the tools they need to succeed and avoid feeling overwhelmed. 

In addition to onsite onboarding, we provide a wealth of self-paced content for new hires to work through. Our goal is to make sure they have the information they need at their fingertips, and with the new setup we've created, we're making it easier for teams to work, creating a smoother experience that leads to higher retention

Ensuring that new hires are well-integrated is valuable for two reasons: first, the newcomers make many connections with fellow new joiners and existing colleagues—helping them feel a part of the group and, therefore, the company. Second, due to their integration into the group, they get in touch with the DeepL culture, experience our values in real life, and can act and collaborate according to our values and culture. 

At DeepL, through comprehensive programs and a strong focus on our culture, we ensure that new team members are well-prepared and excited to contribute from day one.

Are you interested in learning more about our onboarding program and eager to experience it for yourself? Check out our opportunities.

Key-level reporting for API users: enjoy better flexibility and management

What you'll learn about key-level reporting capabilities:

  • DeepL API users can now get reports on API usage for individually-created keys

  • This makes it easier for account admins to manage API key use

  • Key-level data will be downloadable as CSV reports with a variety of date ranges

Developers and businesses like yours need access to the best tools possible to do your best work. That’s why we’re constantly enhancing our tools and features to fit your needs. 

With that in mind, we're thrilled to announce an exciting update to DeepL API that focuses on maximizing flexibility and providing deeper insights into API usage: key-level reporting. Read on to learn more about this update, then give it a try in your own account.

Unlock new levels of API management and insight 

Illustration showing documents, a person icon, and a website interface

Now, account managers can keep a much closer eye on their company’s API use. With this new feature, account administrators can generate reports to track API usage by individual keys, rather than just at the account level. 

Whether you're managing multiple projects or need detailed reports for internal accounting, key-level reporting provides the granularity required to make more informed decisions.

Why key-level reporting matters

Key-level reporting is more than just a technical update—it's a strategic tool that can significantly impact how businesses allocate resources and manage operational costs. By understanding exactly where and how API keys are being used, companies can identify usage patterns and optimize for future use.

Like other features, this update is in direct response to our customers’ needs. Many DeepL API users require precise data to support their internal reporting and cost attribution processes. Finance teams, in particular, will find the ability to download CSV reports for specific date ranges especially useful. 

The date ranges available will include:

  • Yesterday

  • Last 7 days

  • Last 30 days

  • This calendar month

  • Last calendar month

  • Last usage period

  • Current usage period

These CSV reports can easily be integrated into existing business intelligence tools, making it easier to analyze and act on the data collected.

Empowering users with flexibility and security

Illustration showing API with security symbol

The addition of key-level reporting is part of our larger commitment to provide a powerful, flexible, and secure API. Your API should be tailored to your specific needs—which is why DeepL is moving towards ever more secure and dynamic API management. 

With the ability to assign and report on individual API keys, users gain both independence in managing their keys and increased protection—reducing the security risk of a hacked or compromised key.

With this new capability, DeepL API users like you can spearhead efficiency and innovation within your own organization. Take control of your API usage like never before, and start exploring these new features today.

The potential of AI for legal teams

What you need to know about AI and the future of legal tech:

  • Law firms and legal teams are turning to AI to increase productivity and efficiency as they deal with a more complex regulatory landscape

  • Language AI enables lawyers to operate with far greater efficiency internationally, applying their expertise everywhere their clients operate

  • As the industry adopts AI for legal work, it will set new standards on GDPR, encryption, data privacy, and intellectual property

The legal profession has a reputation for caution and conservatism, and with good reason. Its role is to prioritize the fine print, catching what others often miss in the rush to leverage new technologies, open up new opportunities, or develop new ideas. 

Lawyers have an eye for both the crucial detail and the wider context. That’s why legal expertise is so valued. It’s also why the industry’s approach to adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) for legal work will be particularly interesting—and particularly influential. 

What AI can do for law firms and legal teams

DeepL’s white paper, AI communication and the future of legal tech, explores how and why legal teams are adopting AI, which AI technologies are most valuable for legal teams, and what the implications of AI will be for both lawyers and their clients. The paper delves into:

  • Why 51% of lawyers are already using AI, and why 84% are putting their faith in the technology to increase productivity

  • How AI-powered translation tools enable lawyers to operate in a global marketplace, with forward-thinking firms able to apply legal expertise internationally through Language AI

  • How the legal profession’s approach to GDPR, encryption, data privacy, and intellectual property rights will help set wider standards in the use of AI

Language AI helps lawyers operate internationally

AI creates demand for new forms of international legal advice, as clients try to navigate changing global regulations and ethical standards, and manage the risks of defamation suits, copyright issues, and cybercriminal attacks. 

Regulation of AI technologies is becoming international as well. Tackling the issues that AI raises requires legal teams to operate across jurisdictions and languages. They need tools to help them apply their expertise wherever it’s required.

The best AI tools for legal professionals

Through translation, knowledge management systems, contract analysis, and document generation, AI is helping lawyers to cope with both increased demand and a more complex international legal landscape.

At the same time, legal teams are taking the lead on the responsible application of emerging AI technologies. Firms are determined to set the highest standards in areas such as privacy, security, and intellectual property, and establish a model for their own clients to follow.

“Previously, law firms were limited to their skill set and language within their home jurisdiction,” says Dr. Axel Frhr. von dem Bussche, a partner at global law firm Taylor Wessing. “Increasingly, we are seeing global laws such as GDPR. This is changing competition within the legal profession fundamentally, which brings with it opportunities as well as threats. It’s a big opportunity if you’re good, but it’s a threat if you’re slow.”

AI regulatory compliance: what does it mean for legal teams?

Advising enterprise organizations on how to apply AI is a rapidly expanding field for legal professionals. It demands a solid understanding of data governance and intellectual property regulations at a local and international level. DeepL’s Language AI excels in grasping the nuances and technical language of legal translations. With it, lawyers can provide accurate advice in over 30 languages.

​​For legal teams using AI, maintaining compliance with the strictest data privacy standards is crucial. Their ability to credibly advise clients hinges on aligning with international regulations such as GDPR, ISO 27001, and SOC 2 Type II. 

As an EU-based company, DeepL adheres to all GDPR regulations regarding data protection, privacy, and transfer. As Dr. von dem Bussche puts it, DeepL enables legal professionals to benefit from, “the EU gold standards” of data protection.

For AI communication and the future of legal tech, DeepL has interviewed leading international lawyers and collated the latest data on firms’ adoption of AI. The result is an in-depth exploration of how AI is reshaping the global marketplace for legal teams—and how legal teams, in turn, are helping to shape the future of AI. It’s essential reading for anyone who wants to stay ahead of the future of legal tech.

Read the white paper in full to explore how law teams are transforming productivity with AI.

DeepL Write: your AI-powered writing assistant now speaks French and Spanish

What you need to know about these exciting additions to DeepL Write:

  • New languages alert: DeepL Write's language capabilities now include French and Spanish

  • Power-up your comms with AI: improve your global business communication with AI writing suggestions

  • Elevate writing with trusted AI: enhance content creativity and clarity with DeepL's secure AI

Effective communication is a key ingredient to global business growth and success. In fact, 66% of people say they've stopped patronizing a company and switched to a competitor due to poor business communication.

What you say matters—especially when customers and partners are involved. But writing with creativity, clarity, and precision isn't always easy. That's where DeepL Write steps in.

Powered by generative Language AI, our writing assistant inspires companies to think and write differently—now in even more languages. With French and Spanish joining the DeepL Write line-up, more businesses around the world can leverage our AI writing assistant to develop better ideas, craft better content, and improve business communication.

Whether you're writing emails or crafting business proposals, DeepL Write equips your teams with the tools they need to unlock their full potential. Keep reading to learn more about DeepL Write's language expansion.

Or perhaps you're ready to embrace the future of communication and experience the transformative power of DeepL Write? Give DeepL Write Pro a go today.

Write with confidence in French and Spanish

Illustration of Write UI showing an example correcting spelling mistakes for great writing in French and Spanish

The addition of French and Spanish to DeepL Write marks a major milestone in our journey towards empowering businesses around the world to communicate with impact.

French and Spanish are two essential, widely-spoken languages in the business world. According to L'organisation internationale de la Francophonie, there were an estimated 321 million French speakers worldwide in 2022, which was a 7% increase from 2018. And for Spanish, Instituto Cervantes reported that almost 493 million people spoke Spanish as their native language in 2021—making it the second native language in the world by number of speakers.

Connecting with these millions of potential customers just got a whole lot easier thanks to DeepL Write. Your teams can now communicate with new-found confidence in French and Spanish. 

So, whether they're drafting a message to a prospective client, writing a comprehensive report, or chatting with customers—they'll always find the right words.

Write like a native-speaker: AI-powered suggestions

illustration showing a sentence with spelling mistakes getting correct spelling via our grammar check

With DeepL Write's AI suggestions, your teams can now improve their communication in French and Spanish. Offering comprehensive, context-specific writing suggestions, DeepL Write helps your company craft clear, error-free content.

​​More than just a grammar checker, DeepL Write understands the context of your writing and provides suggestions that improve clarity, conciseness, and overall readability. No matter what your content needs are, DeepL Write can help your company refine its message to achieve the desired impact.

Real-time, smart corrections for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors allow your teams to easily refine their communication. AI suggestions for word alternatives elevate writing with a few clicks.

Seamlessly integrate into your workflows

Illustration showing DeepL Write's integrations to check grammar and improve productivity

DeepL Write is engineered to integrate seamlessly with your teams' existing workflows. Whether it's the Google Workspace or Microsoft 365, DeepL Write is your intuitive companion for elevated writing—wherever you work.

Easily access our AI writing suggestions and corrections without ever leaving your preferred writing environment. Simply select the text you want to improve, and DeepL Write will provide real-time feedback and suggestions.

DeepL Write is also available via our browser extension, allowing your company to improve your writing on-the-go. No matter where your teams like to work, DeepL Write is ready to help.

Coming soon: top-notch customization with LLM-powered styles and tones

Powered by DeepL's own LLMs, we’ll soon release styles and tones for DeepL Write in French and Spanish. Using our AI writing styles (Business, Academic, Simple, and Casual) and tones (Friendly, Diplomatic, Confident, and Enthusiastic) your company can craft clear, concise content that leaves a lasting impression—while adapting your teams’ writing to suit both your audience and goals.

Additionally, alongside word alternatives, we’ll be adding sentence alternatives options for French and Spanish.

With DeepL Write as your creative companion, you can take your company's writing to the next level—opening up new markets and opportunities with ease.

What's next for DeepL Write?

At DeepL, we're constantly driving innovation. Expanding DeepL Write's supported languages is a key initiative, as we aim to facilitate effective writing across as many languages as possible. Beyond French and Spanish, we're working hard to introduce support for additional languages later this year—with Italian and Portuguese next on our roadmap.

Also, we're enhancing the sophistication of our AI writing suggestions and working on additional capabilities to support better content creation. These improvements will allow us to empower businesses around the world to unlock even better writing.

And for companies that are interested in unlimited AI suggestions and advanced security, we recommend exploring DeepL Write Pro. To see how DeepL Write Pro empowers businesses everywhere to think—and communicate—differently in English, German, French, and Spanish, check out our DeepL Write Pro page.

DeepL API’s enhanced context parameter feature further boosts translation accuracy

What you need to know about the context parameter feature:

  • The context parameter feature allows API users to provide additional context around a text translation request, improving the accuracy of the output

  • DeepL customers have lauded the feature as improving translation quality, particularly for short text requests such as product names or descriptions

  • After an experimental alpha phase, the feature is now fully operational and available to all API users

Our API team has just deployed its newest feature to improve translation customization and accuracy: context parameter. Following its initial alpha release, the context parameter feature is now fully operational and available to all API users.

What is the context parameter feature?

The context parameter feature provides users with greater control and flexibility within the API, allowing them to add additional context within their text translation requests. This feature is particularly useful for short, low-context sources such as product names, descriptions, or article headlines—instances where translation can be improved through additional content surrounding the request.

The feature received positive feedback from early adapters such as Weglot and Kicktipp—and we have now moved the feature to general availability within DeepL API. 

How does the context parameter feature work?

Illustration of API with "plan" and "Paket"

The context parameter feature is easy to use and extremely effective in further improving the quality of translations. When making a text translation request, users should include a single parameter that provides additional context for the text to be translated. The context itself is not translated—only the requested text—allowing for greater precision and accuracy in the output.

As with all of DeepL’s translations, this feature enables effective translations across industries—and is particularly beneficial for e-commerce platforms, where precise naming conventions or product descriptions are paramount to a positive sales experience.

Why are we launching the context parameter feature?

Illustration showing various people and icons

We’re launching the context parameter feature to general availability because it provides clear benefits for our customers:

  • Enhanced translation accuracy: by allowing users to provide more context, translations will be more accurate—especially in cases where the source text lacks sufficient standalone context

  • Cost efficiency: the context text does not count towards the translation limit, ensuring cost-effective use of our API

  • User empowerment: users have greater control over the translation process, enabling them to achieve the desired quality and nuance in translated text

The context parameter is fully operational within the API for our users—no additional setup required. Additionally, our API documentation has been updated to reflect this change, making it easy for developers to integrate this feature into their workflows and to start benefiting from enhanced translation accuracy.

Boost your API translation accuracy with context parameters

Looking for a robust, accurate, and secure API to translate your business site? Explore DeepL API, and choose the best plan for your team!

DeepL Pro expands global reach to 165 new markets

What you need to know about DeepL Pro’s expansion:

  • With this rollout, DeepL Pro is now available in 228 global markets—further establishing DeepL as the international leader in Language AI solutions

  • Businesses and professionals alike can leverage DeepL Pro’s features and capabilities to streamline global communication

  • Providing maximum data security, unlimited usage, and more, DeepL Pro is the smart choice for businesses that want to stay ahead of the competition 

We’re excited to announce an unprecedented expansion of our DeepL Pro service into 165 new markets. This rollout will allow millions more businesses and professionals to access DeepL Pro's highly accurate, secure AI translations—helping them communicate with efficacy and impact on a global scale.

Read on to learn more about this expansion, or visit our DeepL Pro page for more information on our plans and pricing.

Which markets are included in DeepL Pro's expansion?

Images of three people connected via lines

With our rollout to 165 new markets, the total number of markets where DeepL Pro is available now reaches 228. This strategic expansion is a testament to our unwavering commitment to breaking down language barriers and empowering businesses around the world to streamline their multilingual communication.

With DeepL Pro now available in countries spanning Europe, Asia, the Americas, Africa, Oceania, and Antarctic territories, users can leverage the power of our accurate, secure AI translation like never before.

The latest rollout includes:

  • 48 markets in Africa

  • 33 markets in Asia

  • 32 markets in North America

  • 24 markets in Oceania

  • 18 markets in Europe

  • 6 markets in South America

  • 4 markets in the Antarctic region

Many of these new markets have already seen significant adoption of our free services, including:

  • Algeria 

  • Bolivia

  • Cambodia

  • Guatemala

  • Honduras

  • Kazakhstan

  • Laos

  • Nigeria

  • Uzbekistan

  • Venezuela

This strong demand for our technology further underscores DeepL’s potential for continued growth and success in these regions. With that in mind, we remain committed to expanding our global reach even further—with plans to introduce DeepL Pro to additional markets in the future.

What are the business benefits of DeepL Pro?

Illustration showing document translation capabilities and integration logos

DeepL Pro offers a wide range of benefits to help our users make the most out of their subscriptions. Pro users benefit from advanced features, such as:

  • Maximum data security: DeepL Pro places data security at the forefront, with strict measures in place to protect sensitive information. Our Pro service is fully compliant with the most rigorous data protection laws, such as GDPR, and Pro user data is never used as AI training data

  • Unlimited usage: offering unlimited text translation with DeepL Translator Pro and unlimited writing suggestions with DeepL Write Pro, users can communicate seamlessly across languages with no restrictions. 

  • Increased document translation capacity: users can translate a larger number of documents with bigger file sizes, while still maintaining the original formatting

  • Greater customization: DeepL Pro offers a host of customization options, allowing users to fine-tune their translation experience. For example, users can create and maintain custom glossaries to ensure consistent terminology and brand messaging

  • DeepL API integration: with a DeepL API subscription, users can integrate DeepL's cutting-edge translation capabilities seamlessly into their applications and software

Ready to streamline global communication with DeepL Pro?

Curious about testing out DeepL Pro in one of our newest markets with a 30-day trial? Head to the DeepL Pro page to find the perfect plan for you and your team today.