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EU Data Protection Standards

As a company based in Germany, DeepL is subject to European Union Data Protection laws, considered the strongest in the world. DeepL Pro subscribers enjoy the added benefit of knowing that their texts are never stored for any purpose.

In this era of unprecedented technological growth, the European Union (EU) saw and acted on the need for unified data protection regulations across its 28 member states. New legislation, coming into force in 2018, is intended to strengthen existing data protection standards.

The general data protection regulation... is a fierce European 'yes' to strong consumer rights and competition in the digital age. Jan Philipp Albrecht, MEP

In recent times, we have seen global companies failing to report data breaches immediately. Should an EU-based company ever experience a security breach concerning users' data, they are required to inform customers within 72 hours of learning of the incident.

Even better, as a company based in the European Union, DeepL offers you additional benefits when it comes to privacy and confidentiality. Neither source texts, nor their translations, can be obtained by foreign authorities.

By choosing DeepL Pro, you opt for the best in data protection, as enshrined in EU law.

The paid DeepL Pro service adds another layer of data security. We guarantee all DeepL Pro subscribers that we never store the texts they translate. With this guarantee, under European Union law, you can be sure that you and your clients' texts are as secure as possible.

The security of company reports, patents, corporate emails, and customer data is of utmost importance. DeepL guarantees that such documents are treated with the sensitivity and confidentiality that you and your customers deserve.

You care about the privacy of the texts you translate. So do we.